Luke’s Wings to Host a USO Themed Party at the City Tavern Club
Luke’s Wings will be hosting a USO-themed party this Friday, September 26, from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. at the City Tavern Club to raise money to fund airline tickets for families of wounded service members recovering at military hospitals. Channel your inner Humphrey Bogart, Vivien Leigh, Spencer Tracy or Katharine Hepburn by wearing your ’40s inspired dresses, slacks and suits. If you know your history, you will recall that the US was at war in the ’40s money was scarce and silk was rationed. This is your chance to put on those silk stockings with the back inseam, a knee length skirt, red lipstick, finger waves in your hair or even Katherine Hepburn inspired slacks and a blouse. The glamorous ’40s will be in full swing at the City Tavern Club and so will you as you swing and jive to music from “Sultans of Swing.”
Enjoy fabulous cocktails, a silent auction including sports memorabilia and a whole lot of swinging (get your mind out of the gutter). For those worried about missing the presidential debate, the host committee has got you covered. Enjoy a viewing of the debate upstairs in the private lounge. Purchase tickets online for $35 or $45 at the door, which also guarantees you two free drinks.