Documentary On Valentino Is A Hit

The new documentary, Valentino: The Last Emperor, chronicling fashion designer Valentino’s life has received numerous critical acclaim in the festival circuit. The 96-minute documentary, directed by New York-based writer and filmmaker Matt Tyranauer, spans the period between Valentino’s seventieth birthday and his final couture show, highlighting his contributions to the fashion world. Cut and unwrap the silk and chiffon laden plot and the viewer will discover the real plot of the documentary, the fifty-year love story between Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani (yes it’s a mouthful) and Giancarlo Giametti, his confidante, lover, best friend and business partner.

Older gay European couples are not exactly known for their tell-all personalities, so this careful lifting of the veil gives us a sense of the unusual strength and courage these remarkable men needed to navigate the brutal world of egos and high finance – and to do so together. Their moments onscreen are touching, joyous and heartbreaking. Their five dogs (all pugs! chic!) are a constant delight. [FashionSpot]

Previews of the documentary look brilliant. The film debuted in Toronto earlier this month and is slated to hit other countries and cities late this year. For more information visit

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