Inteview with Taylor Llewellyn of Tucker Blair

Tucker Blair, a new accessories label, is about to take preppy chic to another level. The label’s mission is simple, to create products for a classically casual lifestyle. Tucker Blair is the brain child of Taylor M. Llewellyn (pictured left), a 20-something entrepreneur who began designing needlepoint belts and accessories that easily fit in to both the East coast and West coast lifestyles. I had the chance to interview Taylor over the phone and it felt like I was talking to a friend. His enthusiasm for his collection and the accessories industry as a whole was very refreshing not to mention admirable. Tucker Blair launched in May 2008 with about a dozen handmade needlepoint belts in beautiful designs and vibrant colors that will spruce up anyone’s wardrobe.

“The belts are designed for those that love classically casual wardrobes,” said Taylor. “People that have bought the Tucker Blair needlepoint belts get them because the belts remind them of times and places they value and love.”

If you love summers in Baltimore or Nantucket, July 4th weekends with friends and family, golf, Saint Patrick’s Day festivities, the hustle and bustle of New York City living where cabs run amok or the spirit of the holidays, Tucker Blair has just the belt for you. Taylor’s designs are personal. His memories of summers in Cape Cod and growing up in California are evident in the designs. Tucker Blair has been well received by those that have discovered the needlepoint belts. He intends to bring out new products this year. I tried to get him to spill the beans on what we can look forward to but sadly he said it’s under wraps. “As soon as we get the samples completed for the new products, I will definitely let you know,” says Taylor. continue reading the interview with Taylor Llewellyn below.
1) Why did you decide to start an accessories line?
I really wanted to step out on my own and do something entrepreneurial in the global economy (our production is in Asia). As I worked through a number of different business concepts I kept coming back to clothing and accessories. The needlepoint products have been a great way for me to mesh an entrepreneurial endeavor with a product that I really love. It’s easy to understand what the customer wants when I am very much like the typical customer. And my mom is an entrepreneur so I guess it runs in the family.

2) What is the inspiration behind your designs?
The designs are inspired by the times and places that I enjoy the most. Growing up spending summers on Cape Cod certainly have impacted the designs. When you look down at the belt it’s great to have that design immediately trigger a fond memory, whether it is the beach, the snow, or a round of golf.

3) What are the three words that would describe the Tucker Blair guy?
Preppy, Colorful, Classic

4) Who is the Tucker Blair man? What is his personality?
The Tucker Blair man is the guy/gal on the weekend who is unwinding from their 9-5 job. They embody the work hard play hard mentality and our products really help bring out the times and places that define the classically casual dresser away from work.
5) What are you favorite designs in the belt collection?
My favorite design is the “lobster” pattern. It just speaks to summer for me and spending time on the beach. I also like the American Flag because of its simplicity and how it can be worn with a lot of different outfits.

6) Do you have plans to expand the Tucker Blair line to include other accessories, clothing?
Absolutely, we have a few different products on the way. The people that have seen them have responded very well and we think they’re going to be a big hit! We also have about a dozen other belt designs set to launch in the next few months. So keep checking back in.

7) What type of woman do you design for? What is her style like?
We have had women of all ages buy belts (so it really is a unisex product), but the typical buyers have been older women, with a very preppy style. So basically moms on Nantucket in the summer would be a good way to classify them if we had to.

8) What sets apart Tucker Blair from other companies?
Three things really set Tucker Blair apart:
a) the quality of the materials that go in to each belt are top notch – the full grain leather, 100% wool stitching and the thickness of the belt make it feel just like the one your mom made for you.

b) The value. $125 can’t be beat. And anyone that has made a needlepoint product knows how much time goes in to just one belt.

c) Our designs. They are completely proprietary designs and can’t be found anywhere else.

9) So are the belts really handmade?
The belts are absolutely 100% hand stitched. When you see one up close you can definitely tell. The novelty of the product comes from the slight differences in each belt because of the fact that they are handmade.

10) How do we order?
Ordering is very simple at, – we are also developing a strong retail presence in boutique stores throughout the country. If you have any questions about ordering definitely email us at or if you’re looking for a custom product for your club or association.

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