How Far Will You Go For A Little R&R?

Ladies and gents, this is the most bizarre beauty procedure I have ever seen in my life. An Israeli health and beauty spa introduced a new treatment – the Israeli snake massage – to its beauty offering. For just $70, clients at Ada Barak’s spa in northern Israel can get a massage by having six non-venomous snakes slither across their bodies to relieve stressed and aching muscles. “I’m actually afraid of snakes, but the therapeutic effects are really good,” customer Liz Cohen told Reuters Television as Barak let the snakes loose on her body. Barak believes that the her clients find the physical contact with the snakes soothing. Tyra Banks recently had Barak on her show to introduce the procedure to her talkshow audience. Tyra’s reaction is simply priceless. [NGND]

ICYMI: Snake Massage on Tyra

Ed. note: I will never pay $70 or any amount of money to have snakes crawl on my body.

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