Aplomb Clothing is Washington’s Answer for Skaters

Aplomb [uh-plom, uh-pluhm]: Assurance of manner or of action; Confidence; Coolness;Self-confident assurance; Poise.Coolness and Composure under strain;Great self-confidence; Self-Assuredness.

Aplomb is also the name of a clothing company that originated out of Washington, DC. The skate inspired collection of super soft t-shirts, tank tops, hats and skate accessories for men and women is hit the area in 2006 and continues to thrive among the skater set as one of the best clothing labels in the city. Aplomb Clothing is co-owned by a high school friend of mine, Ryan Ryskamp and business partners. In almost two years, the boys are on a winning streak with their whimsy designs inspired by the political landscape of the city.

I bought one of the t-shirts last year and usually wear it with jeans, pumps and a blazer for a hip-hop preppy look. You definitely need confidence, coolness and poise to wear one of their designs. Aplomb Clothing is having a huge sale on their summer tees. Sale starts at around $15 for a tank. I am waiting for some new designs for the fall, especially with this historic election coming up, I am going to be rocking an Aplomb tee.

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